quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009


I was born in the last century, in Macaíba. It’s been a long time! I can’t even remember my own age.
My father, my idol culture in storage, led me to reading the classic books, and throughout my youth, he introduced me to the spiritualist literature, which is the philosophy I professed nowadays.
So, I read quite a few books and started circumstantial observations and therefore to making notes about the the book: “MACAÍBA E SEUS TIPOS POPULARES” – ( (popular figures of my city). By this time I was eighteen years old.
Later, I was to live in Rio de Janeiro and I lived there about seventeen years.
When I returned to Natal, I wrote a small book based on the spiritualist philosophy called: ”FRAGMENTOS DE REFLEXÕES” (Fragments of Thoughts). At the age of forty-four which was two years later, I wrote "CONTOS DO ENTARDECER” (Sunset Tales)." The following year I wrote “APÓLOGOS DO NASCER DO SOL” (sunrise fables) Then I launched “PRELÚDIOS DE UM NOVO DIA” (a new day prelude). These last three books, and their topics are based on inner reformation. In the same year, I wrote another chronicle book, called "RELEMBRANÇAS”. (rememories). That very same year (1985), I coordinated an anthology of a chronicie entitlied, "MACAIBA DE CADA UM” (Macaíba of each onself) in participation of twenty-one writers.
The subsequent year, I started the novel, “ITINERÁRIO DE UM SERTANEJO” (A Sertanejo’s Itinerary) which I made a truce of six years and restarted with “ADÁGIOS DE ESPERANÇAS” (Hope Adages). Five years later, "SONATA DO ALVORECER DE AQUÁRIUS” (Aquárius Sonata) was launched. And in 1999, I launched "DAPHNE – COMPROMISSOS E RESGATES” (Daphne - Commitments and Redemption).
Seven years later, in In 2006, I edited the book "GARIMPANDO A LUZ” (Combing the Light).
I have currently written to Fecomércio/RN site: http://www.fecomerciorn.com.br/ as well as to my blog: jansendosleiros.blogspot.com, which I had ready for publishing three titles: "AQUARELA DO SOL NASCENTE” (Watercolour Rising Sun)" and "ALELUIA DO HOMEM NOVO” (Hallelujah of the New Mam), which are both novels and another, as a poetry book: "ACORDES DA ALMA” (Chords of the Soul)
I conclude as for a writer, his literary productions are like children. As a literary parent myself I love all of my literary children. I just have no preferences. My wish is that each message reaches its readers.

Jansen dos Leiros

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